



My Mission Statement


  • Click here to read full mission statement


    I have become very concerned at the way we are treated by mainstream political parties and politicians.

    Enormous power over us is now in the hands of a handful of very weak leaders.

    This is potentially very dangerous.

    Elected party MPs have long since stopped listening to us. They ignore us, they treat us

    with contempt.

    They seem to have forgotten who’s in charge.

    I want to change that.

    I grew up in Stalybridge, I went to college in Hyde.

    This community gave the best start in my life.

    I still live and work here.

    I love this area and want it to do well.

    I want my friends and neighbours - my community - to play an active role in how we are governed.

    If elected as the Member of Parliament for my hometown, I want to take everyone here with

    me into the House of Commons.

    Before every vote on any international, national or issue directly affecting the lives of the people of Stalybridge & Hyde, I will inform you of the upcoming debate - tell you my opinions on the subject - and then ask you to decide through an online survey.

    You will decide the issues, not me.

    I will not be told what to do or how to think by a party leader, a trades union, a business, a

    billionaire or anyone else.

    The only people who would tell me what to do are the people of Stalybridge & Hyde.

    This is how I believe democratic representation should work in the UK.

About Me

I live in Stalybridge, ten minutes’ walk from the house I grew up in. I work locally as a lawyer, educated at West Hill School, Hyde Sixth Form College and Liverpool John Moores University.

I have visited over 70 countries - each journey teaching me something new. I’ve concluded that the World is a beautiful place full of incredible people, but that politicians make it appear ugly. I believe more than anything in the power and creativity of the individual.

Strong people make strong families; strong families make strong communities; strong communities make strong Countries. I’m for smaller Government, lower taxation and less interference in people’s lives. For me, the free market is the only way to provide for everyone’s needs.

We need to live peacefully, freely, and compassionately - ensuring that those of us going through hard times in sickness, old age and poverty are fully supported. The pendulum of power has swung too dangerously far towards the weak leaders of the big parties.

We are being totally ignored, disrespected, taken for granted, and treated with contempt by our politicians - increasingly being told what to do and how to think. They appear to have forgotten who’s in charge! We must never forget that it’s our Parliament, not theirs.

There is nothing uniquely gifted or special about a party politician. My decision to stand in this election was not taken lightly, but I could not live with myself if I did not. I stand to gain little from becoming an MP. This is now a matter of conscience for me and you have my word that I will not let you down.

Contact me

What People Have Said...

14/10/20 - Reviewed by Anonymous

I would like to wholeheartedly thank Ian Owen for his skill and passion when

dealing with my case. I was extremely lucky to have Ian defend myself and look

out for my best interest. Thanks to Ian, we had a highly favourable outcome,

which was owing to Ian’s abilities in court and his professional and to the point

manner out if court. I would recommend him without question.

14/10/20 - Reviewed by Laura

Having used Ian a few times, I can honestly say he is an excellent solicitor who talks to you on a level and not looking down like many do. He is open and honest and takes pride in his work with excellence achieved, professionalism obtained and a pleasure to work with all round. Thank you Ian x

18/01/21 - Reviewed by Kat

Very good. Contactable day or night keeps you informed. Also, very good at reassuring you everything will be ok when you panic.

02/12/20 - Reviewed by JM

I highly recommend Ian Owen! He's a straightforward down to earth guy and he’s very professional with how he represents you.

09/07/20 - Reviewed by James

Service was excellent Ian really helped me in an 8 MONTH case. Excellent gentleman and very friendly!!!

27/04/20 - Reviewed by Anonymous

Outstanding defence firm. I've only knowledge of that aspect of this firm's performance as that's all i have ever used but ultra professional, steadfast, trustworthy and never made me feel anything other than comfortable. oh, and seem to always triumph too.

14/06/19 - Reviewed by Anonymous

Whatever the problem, you can be assured of a prompt and professional service, a sympathetic approach at all times and, most importantly, quality advice and effective representation.

05/02/20 - Reviewed by Anonymous

Recently my Granddaughter was caught up in a nasty incident and although she was a little unlucky to be there, her attitude and general behaviour at the time left a lot to be desired. This led to her arrest and removal to Ashton Police Station where she was subsequently charged with Assault on a member of the emergency Services to which was added Refusing to Supply a Sample of Breath. Here’s where her luck changed, the duty solicitor attached to her was Ian Owen. 

He immediately gave an aura of confidence dealt with her with compassion but also diligently examined the whole case so as to prepare a plausible defence. Although on appearance for trial at Ashton Magistrates Court she was obliged to plead guilty to ‘Police assault’ his work behind the scenes led to the Breathalyser offence being withdrawn a huge result in any circumstances.

Ian is obviously a practised performer but nevertheless it was a pleasure to observe him in court, a professional in the best sense of the word. I have nothing but praise for him and would have no hesitation in recommending him at the highest level.
On behalf of myself, my granddaughter and the entire family I offer our gratitude and thanks.

Supporting The Common Sense Policies

No to CAZ

Immediate stop to any ROLL-OUT of the CLEAN AIR ZONE across Greater Manchester, the insidious vehicle tax designed to fleece drivers in the name of climate change.

End of Cash / Digital Currency

The single biggest issue that none of the main parties are talking about! The Bank of England’s proposals for the replacement of cash with a Central Bank Digital Currency are far too important to be discussed behind closed doors. An urgent open public consultation on this vitally important issue is needed RIGHT NOW!

Peace Not War

The UK must take the lead in diplomatic efforts to deescalate the bloody conflict between Russia and Ukraine. A potentially catastrophic wider war must be avoided at all costs. Our historical role in the division of the Middle East means Britain has to be at the forefront in brokering a lasting ceasefire agreement and a permanent settlement between Israel and the Occupied Territories of Palestine.

International Treaties

Government has an absolute duty to clearly inform the public of the detail of any proposed international treaties which could impact on our lives, livelihoods, health or freedoms, giving us a the right to veto, postpone or call for a full consultation on the signing of any such agreements.

Transparency in Government

Any meetings between Ministers and individuals or organisations who are not their constituents MUST be declared and - except in matters of national security - the unedited minutes of those discussions should be made publicly available for scrutiny.

Undocumented Migrants

Having visited Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and Syria - some of the source countries of undocumented migrancy - I have a keen personal understanding of the background issues.


    Equally, my work as a defence lawyer has revealed a shocking increase in criminal activity by some of these people, causing huge public safety concerns. We must act now by working with source countries to address the reasons behind outward migration and to look urgently at reception arrangements here in the UK for the protection of our communities.

Law and Order

Dale Creegan, who murdered two young Police Officers in Hattersley in 2012, was on Police bail at the time of the tragedy. The Blair Government took away the power of Police Custody Sergeants to make charging and remand decisions at the Police Station handing the decision to charge to the Crown Prosecution Service.


    As a result of this, many dangerous suspected offenders are put back on the streets for months, waiting for the CPS to review their cases. I would hand the charge and remand power back to the Police, especially for serious offences, including the growing peril of knife crime.


Secondary education MUST equip our teenagers for the realities of responsible adulthood. Valuable practical life skills of entrepreneurship; the tax system; savings, investments and loans - should all feature on the curriculum, to excite young people about the possibilities that are open to them in the future and teach them how to navigate their way to success and achievement later in life.


    University places have become hugely expensive in recent years, throwing many young people into massive debt before they’ve earned a single penny.


I would advocate the ABOLITION of INHERITANCE TAX, a nasty sting in the tail for the bereaved. It’s hard enough for young people to get on the property ladder right now, so I would resist any calls for the expansion of Stamp Duty inclusion for first time buyers.

Food and Farming

Farmers put the food on our tables. They deserve our support. Especially, the family-owned independents right here in the North of England. We can start locally by bringing the vibrant and colourful markets back to Stalybridge, Hyde and Mossley. Let’s get fresh locally farmed produce back in our towns and put the heart back into our communities...


    For as long as they have to exist, I would support our local foodbanks. I will donate food when I can and would urge others to do the same. There must be no destruction of viable foodstuffs by supermarkets or restaurants. It is unthinkable that edible food should bypass a homeless person or a foodbank. I would lead this call by writing to every food store and restaurateur in the area to get them involved in positive action.

My Pledge to My Community

I GUARANTEE that, were I to be elected to represent the Stalybridge and Hyde Constituency in the next Parliament, I will stick to the following rules...


    1. I will never lie to you;

MP Community Foundation

I will ringfence and donate 5% of my MP salary to a foundation, from which I will select one or two community projects recommended by you for an annual financial award.


Just as we were emerging from the knock-on effects of Covid, the energy companies let rip with massive price hikes, flinging families into debt and forcing many to choose between heating or eating, as the Government stood back and did nothing, when they could have threatened suspension of supply licences.


    This must never be allowed to happen again.

Foreign Aid

We need to urgently review the current pattern of financial aid packages to overseas Governments. UK Financial aid must stop where the per capita GDP becomes two-thirds or more of the average annual income in the recipient country.We must go further to stimulate ‘Trade Not Aid’ with developing nations and gradually replace cash injections with financial support for those of us who can lend practical skills on the ground to some of the poorest communities in the World.

If you are behind my bid to bring independent representation to the people of Stalybridge & Hyde in the forthcoming General Election and would like to help, please get in touch now.

07720 865306 info@ian4stalyhyde.com

Video Vault

"A measure of freedom"

"Britain's got talent"

"No turning back!"

"It's not complicated!"

"View From the Sofa"

A Word About The Competition

Conservative Party

RISHI SUNAK, once nowhere then suddenly everywhere, became Prime Minister against the wishes of his own party’s members! What does that say for the rest of us? Sunak has brought us to the brink of war and presided over a crippling cost of living crisis. He has run this Country so badly that one might think that he’s done it on purpose!

Labour Party

SIR KEIR STARMER is not the answer. He is no friend of the working class and doesn’t particularly care for democracy. Starmer told Emily Maitlis in January 2023 that he was more interested in what goes on at Davos than what happens at Westminster. Davos is the meeting place of the World Economic Forum, an inter-

national grouping of ‘leaders of society’, to shape ‘global agendas’. If he has no time for our Parliament, how can we trust him to act in our best interests?


Reform UK is a limited company, of which NIGEL FARAGE is the majority shareholder. With each new membership subscription, Reform UK will do well out of this election, regardless of the out come. Farage is a great campaigner, a fantastic speechmaker and adores being on camera - just like any good salesman.

Apart from running a political party as a company, he sells Farage Gin, and you can book him on Cameo to wish a friend Happy Birthday for £70.00 a message. Don’t be fooled by his market trader patter. His praising of Tony Blair in 2021 as someone who “commands respect” and as being “seriously bright”, tells us everything about Farage’s establishment credentials. Farage is now on his fourth political party and runs a variety of businesses. So, how can we expect any loyalty or serious commitment from him?

Ian at the University of Mogadishu, Somalia

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